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Our not-so-secret superpower is the pool of almost 100 coaches. This is the true core of the programme.


They are an eclectic mix of entrepreneurs and early employees at startups, with the occasional person who defies an exact description.

All of these people willingly give their time, when they are able, on a pro-bono basis to encourage the continued growth of a pay-it-forward culture.


We use the term coach, as it is used in the meaning when talking about sports. They are here to help, but in the end, it is you, the founders & early employees, who must go out there and do the actual work. You can expect to receive open, honest and actionable feedback from all the coaches. It is up to you to do something with this advice, once it has been given.

In many cases, you may not like what they are saying, but you should always listen and think, at the very least.

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